![]() 小組學習 Lifelong learning doesn’t mean condemning yourself to a stack of dusty textbooks. Join organizations that teach skills. Workshops and group learning events can make educating yourself a fun, social experience. 活到老學到老不是說要把自己一直投入在枯燥的教科書里。加入一些教授技能的團體。團隊或小組學習能讓你在輕松愉悅的社交中學習。 2、Start a Project 開始制定計劃 Set out to do something you don’t know how. Forced learning in this way can be fun and challenging. If you don’t know anything about computers, try building one. If you consider yourself a horribleartist, try a painting. 準備去做一個你完全未知的事情吧。靠這種辦法逼著自己學習既有趣又有挑戰。如果你不了解電腦,不妨去組裝一下。如果你覺得自己沒有藝術細胞,就去畫一副畫吧。 要做好一件事,沒有計劃就如同一團亂麻,到時候一事無成,而有了計劃,就能起到提綱挈領、綱舉目張的作用,從而理清事情發展的脈絡,以更快的速度,最佳的效率來完成一件事。 3、Follow Your Intuition 跟著感覺走 Lifelong learning is like wandering through the wilderness. You can’t be sure what to expect and there isn’t always an end goal in mind. Letting your intuitionguide you can make self-education more enjoyable. Most of our lives have been broken down to completely logical decisions, that making choices on a whim has been stamped out. 活到老學到老就像是在荒野中漫游。你不能保證接下來會發生什么,腦海中也不會有一個終極的目標。跟著直覺走能讓你的自學過程更加有趣。我們的生活大多時候都被邏輯思維劃分成了好幾部分,何不憑著突然迸發的奇思妙想做個選擇呢? 4、The Morning Fifteen 早上十五分鐘 Use the first fifteen minutes of your morning as a period for education. If you find yourself too groggy, you might want to wait a short time. Just don’t put it off later in the day where urgent activities will push it out of the way. 把早上起床后的十五分鐘作為學習階段吧。如果你覺得自己還沒睡醒,你可能就會稍微等等。但是千萬別把緊急的事情放在晚些時候去做,這樣只會越拖越晚。 國內外數項跟蹤調查表明,早起的人更能有效規劃學習和工作時間,而且往往效率更高,成功機率也大,這也印證了“早起的鳥兒有蟲吃”的樸素真理,因此在兒童學習這件事,也要因勢利導,讓孩子從小養成利用早起時間做規劃,然后逐步落實計劃的好習慣。 5、Make it a Priority 列出優先級 Few external forces are going to persuadeyou to learn. The desire has to come from within. Once you decide you want to make lifelong learning a habit, it is up to you to make it a priority in your life. 外界其實很少會有逼迫你學習的力量。這種力量往往來自于內心。一旦決定要把終生學習作為一個習慣,那么就是時候把這列為你生活的優先了。 以上5個學習規則,不僅對兒童英語學習的孩子培養學習力至關重要,對其以后的工作生活也極具指導意義,可以說,在有計劃、有步驟、有優先級的學習做事的過程中,能一步步塑造孩子的管理能力、計劃能力以及對未來的掌控能力,這都是未來型人才的必備素質。 |