居里夫人我們在小學的課本中就學到了,居里夫人是兩次諾貝爾獎的得主一個是諾貝爾物理學獎一個是諾貝爾化學獎,她是放射性元素釙和鐳的發現者,她一生致力于科學,讓你敬佩,下面是關于居里夫人的英語名言,請參考。![]() 1、科學的基礎是健康的身體。 Science is the foundation of a healthy body。 2、使生活變成幻想,再把幻想化為現實。 Make life into a fantasy, fantasy into reality。 3、使生活變成幻想,再把幻想化為現時。 Make life into a fantasy, fantasy into the present。 4、弱者坐待時機,強者制造時機。 Weak though time, strong manufacturing time。 5、不要叫人打倒你,也不要叫事情打倒你。 Don't take you down, don't call things down with you。 6、我們波蘭人,當國家遭到奴役的時候,是無權離開自己祖國的。 We poles, when the country was under slavery, is not entitled to leave his homeland。 7、人要有毅力,否則將一事無成。 People should have perseverance, otherwise will accomplish nothing。 8、我的最高原則是:不論對任何困難,都決不屈服。 My highest principle is: to any difficulties, never give in。 9、生活中沒有什么可怕的東西,只有需要理解的東西。 Nothing in life is to be feared。 It is only to be understood。 10、我們應該有恒心,尤其應該有信心。 We should have the perseverance, especially should have the confidence。 11、人必須要有耐心,特別是要有信心。 Man must have patience, especially confidence。 12、少關心別人的逸聞私事,多留意別人的思路觀點。 Less care about others' private anecdotes, pay more attention to others' ideas。 13、在科學上重要的是研究出來的“東西”,不是研究者的“個人”。 In science it is important to study the "thing", not the "personal"。 14、我要把人生變成科學的夢,然后再把夢變成現實。 I am going to put life into scientific dream, then the dream into reality。 15、用珠寶打扮自己,不如用知識充實自己。 With jewelry dress up oneself, is inferior to equip themselves with knowledge。 16、家族的人互相連系在一起,才真正是這個人世唯一的幸福。 Family of people connecting with each other together, really is the world only happiness。 17、我們要把人生變成一信科學的夢,然后再把夢變成現實。 We need to get the letter life become a scientific dream, then the dream into reality。 18、不知道愛情有沒有放射性,我先拿一個到實驗室去做做實驗! I don't know love have radioactivity, I take a to the lab to do the experiment first! 19、在科學上,我們應該注意事,不應該注意人。 In science, we should pay attention to matter, should not pay attention to the people。 20、我們最重要的原則是:不要叫人打倒你,也不要叫事情打倒你。 We are one of the most important principle is: don't take you down, also don't call things down with you。 21、一個人若不留意自己已有的成就,他就只會看見自已的不足之處。 A person if he does not pay attention to their success, he will only see his own shortcomings。 22、如果一個人把生活興趣全部建立在愛情那樣暴風雨般的感情沖動上,那是會令人失望的。 If a person all the life interest based on that stormy emotional love, that is disappointing。 23、科學的探討和研究,其本身就含有至美,其本身給人的愉快就是酬報。 Exploration of the science and research, its itself contains to the United States, its own pleasure is to reward to the person。 24、我們生活似乎都不容易,但是那有什么關系?我們應該有恒心,尤其是要有自信心! Our life seems to be not easy, but that have what relation? We should have the perseverance, especially must have the self-confidence! 25、我從來不曾有過幸運,將來也永遠不指望幸運,我的最高原則是:不論對任何困難都決不屈服! I have never had a lucky, in the future will never depend on luck, my highest principle is: never surrender to any difficulty! 26、我們須相信,我們既然有做某種事情的天賦,那么無論如何都必須把這種事情做成。 We must believe that, since we have to do some things to talent, then at any rate, will have to be made to this kind of affair。 27、我絲毫不為自己的生活簡陋而難過。使我感到難過的是一天太短了,而且流逝得如此之快。 I have no sad for your life simple。 Makes me feel sad is one day is too short, and goes by so fast。 28、我們不得不飲食、睡眠、瀏覽、戀愛,也就是說,我們不得不接觸生活中最甜蜜的事情,不過我們必須不屈服于這些事物。 We have to diet, sleep, browse, in love, that is to say, we have to contact the sweetest thing in life, but we must not succumb to these things。 29、科學的探討與研究,其本身就含有至美,其本身給人的愉快就是報酬;所以我在我的工作里面尋得了快樂。 Exploration of the science and research, its itself contains to the United States, its itself give a person happy is to pay; So I got happiness in my job search。 30、人類也需要富有理想的人。對于這種人說來,無私地發展一種事業是如此的迷人,以至他們不可能去關心他們個人的物質利益。 Humans also need rich ideal。 For such a person speaking, selflessly to develop a career is so charming, so that they can't go to care about their personal material interests。 31、我們每天都愉快地過著生活,不要等到日子過去了才找出它們的可愛之點,也不要把所有特別合意的希望都放在未來。 We live a life happily every day, don't wait for the day in the past, to find out their lovely point, don't put all hope to have special purpose in the future。 32、如果能隨理想而生活,本著正直自由的精神,勇往直前的毅力,誠實不自欺的思想而行,一定能臻于至美至善的境地。 If can along with ideal live, in line with the honest free spirit, the courage of perseverance, honest not deceived thoughts, can greatly to the beauty to the good position。 33、科學家的天職叫我們應當繼續奮斗,徹底揭示自然界的奧秘,掌握這些奧秘以便能在將來造福人類。 Scientists bounden duty that we should continue to struggle, thoroughly reveals the mysteries of nature, master these secrets so as to benefit the human beings in the future。 34、我們必須有恒心,尤其要有自信力!我們必須相信我們的天賦是用來作某種事情的,無論代價多么大,這種事情必須作到。 We must have perseverance, especially must have self-efficacy! We must believe that our talent is used to do something, no matter how big the cost, we must do these things。 35、為公眾的幸福工作的人,不論在哪個部門,都不能被國界所隔斷,他們的勞動成果并不只屬于一個國家,而是屬于整個人類。 People who work for the happiness of the public, no matter in which department, cannot partition by national boundaries, the fruits of their Labour is not only belongs to a country, but belongs to the entire human race。 36、我認為我們應該在一種理想主義中去尋找精神力量,這種理想主義使我們不驕傲,而能使我們把我們的希望和夢想達到高尚的境界。 I think we should be in a kind of idealism in search of spiritual power, the idealism made us proud, and enables us to get our hopes and dreams to the noble realm。 37、我們必須有恒心,尤其要有自信力!我們必須相信我們的天賦是要用來作某種事情的,無論代價多麼大,這種事情必須作到。 We must have perseverance, especially must have self-efficacy! We must believe that our talent is used to do something, no matter how big the cost, we must do these things。 38、我認為,你們必須從一種理想主義中去尋求精神力量。在不使我們驕傲的情況下,這種理想主義可把我們的希望和幻想上升到一個很高的境界。 I think, you must be from a kind of idealism to seek spiritual power。 In the case of not make us proud, this kind of idealism can get our hopes and wishes to rise to a very high level。 41、如果能追隨理想而生活,本著正直自由的精神,勇敢直前的毅力,誠實不自欺的思想而行,則定能臻于至美至善的境地。 If you can follow the ideal and life, in line with the spirit of freedom, integrity brave ahead of perseverance, honest not deceived thoughts and the fullest beauty and the good situation。 |