說起孫中山先生大多數人都非常清楚,他是中國民主革命偉大先行者,是中國現代革命的奠基人,那么孫中山都說過哪些名言呢?有沒有英語版的?下面學習力為您整理了孫中山名言的英語翻譯,我們將孫中山先生的名言采用中英文對照的方式提供給大家,請參考。![]() 關于孫中山先生的其他內容,請點擊↓↓↓↓ 孫中山先生的生平事跡介紹 1、真知特識,必從科學而來。 Truth, knowledge, will from science。 2、危難無所顧,威力無所畏。 Distress by worry, power without fear。 3、鋼鐵者,實為一切實業之體質也。 Iron and steel, is the health of all industry also。 4、爭權奪利,禍國誤民。 Convening the nation people by mistake。 5、革命尚未成功,同志仍須努力。 The revolution has not yet been successful, comrades still must efforts。 6、安危他日終須仗,甘苦來時要共嘗。 Safety risk must battle, sympathetic, come to taste。 7、頂天立地奇男子,要把乾坤扭轉來。 Strange man, indomitable spirit to the tip。 8、立志是讀書人最要緊的一件事。 Aspire to reader is one of the most important thing。 9、管理眾人的事便是政治。 Management of all things is political。 10、人類要在競爭中生存,便要奮斗。 Human beings to survive in the competition, to strive。 11、惟愿諸君將振興中華之責任,置之于自身之肩上。 Oh that you will be the revitalization of the Chinese, by their own shoulders。 12、政治是運用國家的;國家是實行政治的。 Politics is to use the state; The country is political。 13、要立心做大事,不要立心做大官。 To make the heart to do great things, don't make the heart to do big officer。 14、努力向學,尉為國用。 Efforts for school, commandant for countries with。 15、奮斗這一件事是自有人類以來天天不息的。 Struggle this thing is every day since humans began the restless。 16、少數人有錢是假富,要多數人有錢才是真富。 A few people are false rich rich, to most people money is a rich indeed。 17、在一個國家之內,只少數人有錢是假富,要多數人有錢才是真富。 Within a country, only a few people are false rich rich, to most people money is a rich indeed。 18、吾志所向,一往無前;愈挫愈奮,再接再勵。 Our volunteers will walk the line; Fell more courageously, keep up the good work。 19、自己應為之事,勿求他人;今日應為之事,勿待明日。 What should be, don't beg other people; Shall be the matter of the today, not for tomorrow。 20、事功者一時之榮,志節者萬世之業。 His undertaking of honor, the insistence is the heritage of the turf。 21、政治里面有兩個潮流,一個是自由底潮流,一個是秩序底潮流。 Political there are two trends, one is the free end of trend, a trend is bottom of the order。 22、我一生的嗜好。除了革命外,只有好讀書,我一天不讀書,便不能生活。 The hobby of my life。 In addition to the revolution, only a good reading, I a day without reading, will not live。 23、心信其可行,則移山填海之難,終有成功之日。心信不可行,則反掌折枝之易,亦無收效之期。 Heart believe its feasible, move mountain and fill seas。-and, eventually the success of the day。 Heart, believe it or not feasible, then its fold branch of the yi, nor with the outcome of the period。 點擊下一頁,了解孫中山先生的生平事跡 |