將高考英語作文比較常用的英語名人名言整合出來,目的是方便大家集中記憶,通過這些名人名言,能夠提升我們的詞匯量,鍛煉我們的語感,讓學習英語不再是一個難題,也為高考奠定了堅實的基礎。![]() 高考英語作文萬能寫作模板 高考英語作文比較常用的英語名人名言 1、患難朋友才是真朋友。 Friend in need is a friend indeed. 2、尊師而重道,愛眾而親仁。 Respect and heavy, all love and benevolence. 3、如果是玫瑰,它總會開花的。 If it is a rose, it will blossom. 4、一念不慎,壞敗身家有余。 A careless read, bad fortune of a pain. 5、少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。 A young don't work hard, idle young, needy old. 6、通向榮譽的路上,并不鋪滿鮮花。 On the way to honor, not flowers. 7、為了在生活中努力發揮自己的作用,熱愛人生吧。 In order to try to play their role in life, love of life. 8、沒有一種不幸可與失掉時間相比了。 There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time. 9、處富貴地,要矜憐貧賤的痛癢。 Pity is prosperous, the common flow mean less. 10、讀書須用意,一字值千金。 Reading intention, value daughter a word. 11、希望才有人生,人生要有希望。 Hope is life and life is hope. 12、責己之心責人,愛己之心愛人。 The heart of the stone people, love oneself beloved person. 13、人只有在人們中間才能認識自己。 People can only know yourself among people. 14、當你能飛的時候請你絕不要放棄飛。 Please never give up when you can fly fly. 15、為了生活中努力發揮自己的作用,熱愛人生吧。 In order to efforts to play their part in life, love life. 16、一頭白發催將去,萬兩黃金買不回。 Reminder will go a head of white hair, and two thousand gold to buy back. 17、馭橫切莫逞氣,遇謗還要自修。 Control the cross don't over gas, slander and self-study. 18、天才就是這樣,終身努力,便成天才。 Genius is such, lifelong efforts, then into a genius. 19、人的知識愈廣,人的本身也愈臻完善。 Man's knowledge more wide, the person's itself also will be. 20、讓我們把不名譽作為刑罰最重的部分吧! Let's put the dishonor as part the heaviest punishment! 21、苦熬是失敗的元素,苦干是成功的基因。 Creates a failure elements, the genes of hard work is a success. 22、天才免不了有障礙,因為障礙會創造天才。 Obstacles are inevitable to the talents, for obstacles can create geniuses. 23、想一下子全知道,就意味著什么也不知道。 Want to know all in one fell swoop, means what also don't know. 24、山峰再高起于平地,職務再高離不開群眾。 Mountain high up to the ground again, next higher position depends on the masses. 25、認識自己的無知是認識世界的最可靠的方法。 Know his ignorance is the most reliable way to know the world. 26、一切真正的和偉大的東西,都是純樸而謙遜的。 All real and great things, are simplicity and modesty. 27、生命多少用時間計算,生命的價值用貢獻計算。 How much life time calculation, the value of life by contribution calculation. 28、機遇見了有所作為的人就援助,見了懦夫就跑開。 Opportunity saw as an aid, saw a coward, they run away. 29、一個人的價值在于他的才華,而不在他的衣飾。 A person's value lies in his talent, not in his clothing. 30、失敗就像是維他命,沒有了它就會引起發育不良。 Failure is like a vitamin, without it will cause stunting. 31、幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。 A happy family is the same, the unfortunate family each have each different. 32、善于利用零星時間的人,才會做出更大的成績來。 People who are good at using sporadic time, to make greater achievements. 33、兒小任情驕慣,大來負了親心。 The arrogant spoil son small harmonized appearances, big to negative close to the heart. 34、須知孺子可教,勿謂童子何知。 One should know that taught how do not call the boy. 35、記取昨天,是為了把握今天,更是為了掌握明天。 Remember yesterday, is to seize today, is to grasp tomorrow. 36、莫向不幸屈服,應該更大膽、更積極的向不幸挑戰。 Don't yield to misfortune, should be bolder, more positive challenge to misfortune. 37、我一生最怕是閑。一閑,就把生存的意義全丟失了。 My life the most afraid is idle. A idle, he's lost all the meaning of survival. 38、強者為自己的目標而活著,弱者被周圍的輿論所主宰。 The strong live for their own goals, and the weak was dominated by public opinion around. 39、我不一定在快樂地活著,但我一定是在追逐生活中的快樂。 I'm not in the joy of being alive, but I must have been chasing happiness in life. 40、人只有獻身于社會,才能找出那短暫而有風險的生命的意義。 Only dedicated to the society, to find out the short and has a risk of the meaning of life. 41、希望是附麗于存在的,有存在,便有希望,有希望,便是光明。 Hope is attached to exist, there is, there is hope, there is hope, is light. 42、裝飾對于德行也同樣是格格不入的,因為德行是靈魂的力量和生氣。 Decoration for virtue is also, as virtue is the power of the soul and angry. 43、誰能不遲不早的成熟,逐漸對生活的冷酷不幸學會忍受,誰就是幸福。 Who can not late late mature, cold misfortune of life gradually learn to endure, who is happiness. 44、幸運并非沒有許多的恐懼與煩惱;厄運也并非沒有許多的安慰與希望。 Prosperity is not without many fears and disasters; Adversity is not without a lot of comfort and hope. 高考英語作文比較常用的英語名人名言就為您介紹到這,點擊下一頁,了解高考英語作文萬能寫作模板 |