如果將中國經典的關于讀書的名言翻譯成為英語,會是一個怎樣的效果呢?下面學習力小編就為您整理了一篇關于被翻譯成英語的中國古代讀書名言,希望古文的韻味之美與英語之韻結合,帶給您不一樣的感受。![]() 1.溫故而知新,可以為師矣。 《論語·為政》 If one can attain new understanding by reviewing old knowledge, he can qualify as a teacher. The Analects 溫故:復習舊知識 to review old knowledge 知新:有心體會 to attain new understanding; to add new dimension to understanding 2.好讀書,不求甚解。 晉·陶淵明《五柳先生傳》 He takes delight in reading, but he does not bother about minor details. Tao Yuanming (365-427), poet of the Jin Dynasty 好:喜歡 to like 3.盡信《書》,則不如無《書》。 《孟子·盡心下》 If you trust Shangshu without reserve, you had better go without it. Mencius, by Meng Ke (c. 372-289 BC), philosopher and Confucian scholar of the Warring States Period 《書》:《尚書》或《書經》 Shangshu; Collection of Ancient Texts 4.遺子黃金滿籝,不如一經。 《漢書·韋賢傳》 a. To bequeath your children a basketful of gold is not as good as give them Confucian classics to study. b. It’s better to leave your children books to study than bequeath them a basketful of gold to live on. History of Han, Chronicle of the Han Dynasty by Ban Gu 遺:留給 to bequeath 籝:筐之類的器具 basket 經:儒家經典,泛指書籍 Confucian classics; book 5.讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。 唐·杜甫《奉贈韋左承丈二十二韻》 When you have read over ten thousand books, you can write like divine-inspired/magic. Du Fu (712-770), poet of the Tang Dynasty 6.萬卷藏書宜子弟,十年種木長風煙。 宋·黃庭堅《郭明甫作西齋于穎尾請予賦詩》二首其一 The collection of ten thousand books facilitates reading by the young children; the trees planted during the past ten years enhance landscape. Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), poet of the Northern Song Dynasty 宜:便于 to facilitate 風煙:風景;景致 landscape 7.讀書雖可喜,何如恭踐履。 清·劉巖《雜詩》 Reading is a delightful thing, but it is incomparable with personal practice. Liu Yan (1656-1716) of the Qing Dynasty 8.學而不已,闔棺乃止。 《韓詩外傳》卷八 There is no end of learning until one is encased in coffin. Collection of Comments on Ancient Affairs with Quotes from The Book of Songs by Han Ying of the Western Han Dynasty 闔:蓋上 to encase (a coffin) 9.有書堆數仞,不如讀盈寸。 清·劉巖《讀詩》 To possess a collection of books piled dozens of feet high is not as meaningful as read one inch of them. Liu Yan of the Qing Dynasty 10.萬卷山積,一篇吟成。 清·袁牧《續詩品·博習》 a. It is only after I have read ten thousand books piled up like a mountain that I have been able to come up with one poem. b. It is only after I have I read heaps of books that I have been able to write one poem. Yuan Mei (1716-1798), poet of the Qing Dynasty |